About me

Professional makeup artist and technique in Personal image and Beauty therapist since 2005

The truth is that it is a little difficult to talk about yourself, on the one hand, for modesty and, on the other, because there are many memories, moments and experiences that are forgotten over time.

I started in this makeup before where my memory comes. You could say it's vocational or an innate art. Since I was a little girl I've always been passionate about the world of makeup and television. I knew that one day it would be me who was behind the screens putting "beautiful" the presenters.

In 2004 I decided to start my career in the world of the personal image by studying a formative cycle of beauty. It was then that I discovered that there was a whole world of possibilities and I put into practice my skills as a beautician in a small beauty center in my hometown Sant Joan de les Abadesses.

Later I wanted to specialize in the world of makeup and film special effects with what I enrolled in the Cazcarra school in Barcelona and I graduated in professional film and TV makeup.

As a result of that, I started working with many TV producers, among them I would like to highlight Gestmusic Endemol, el Terrat, La Fábrica de la Tele, TV3, Parlem Productions and Películas Suecas.

During that period I was lucky to be able to participate in great moments of many beautiful people doing the makeup for their wedding day. I love being with you in this special moment of your lives.

I have also worked for big companies like Sephora, Estee Lauder or Bobbi Brown offering my services as makeup artist and beauty consultant in Barcelona.

Destiny pushed me to open new horizons in Dublin. It was there where I improved my level of English and where I specialized in eyelash treatments.

After working as a beautician and studying new techniques for two years in Ireland in one of the most prestigious salons in the city, I decided to return to my loved Barcelona and start this great little project.

Welcome to Katia in Camerinos


Trabajar con Katia siempre es un placer. Combina dos de las cualidades que más valoro: profesionalidad y trato humano. Le puedes ofrecer el reto que sea que siempre está a la altura. Responsable, eficiente y apasionada serían los tres adjetivos que más la cualifican. Un lujo tenerla cerca.

​ ​Marta Torruella (Directora de Producción), El Terrat de Produccions, S.L.

Katia se ilusiona con cada proyecto como si fuese el primer día, pero no lo es. Su profesionalidad, experiencia y actitud hacen que trabajar con ella sea un placer.

Adan Bonet (tv Director) Gestmusic Endemol

Conocí a Katia en rodajes varios y ya no paramos de trabajar en proyectos juntos: rodajes, televisión y emprendimiento. Además, tuve el honor de ver como montaba su proyecto y lo empezaba a ver crecer. Estar cerca de Katia es como comprar un seguro de adrenalina, diversión y profesionalidad, todo en uno.

Pau Garcia Mila (Ideafoster co-founder)

Katia es estupenda, a parte de hacer genial su trabajo y dejar tanto a presentadores como dirección encantados con el maquillaje, es encantadora.

Anna Gay Garcia (Productora en La Fabrica de la Tele)

El trabajo de Katia es una mezcla de calidad profesional y humana. Resultados geniales tratados con cariño.

Elisabet Sànchez (Productora en Lavinia Audiovisual)

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